HC Deb 26 July 1877 vol 235 cc1858-9

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether there is any Law or Regulation relating to the Metropolis for preventing waggons or carts stopping in the streets for an indefinite time for the purposes of loading and unloading, or for preventing the public thoroughfares being blocked for a great part of the day, as in Covent Garden and other places; and, if so, whether the police have instructions to enforce such Law or Regulation?


The police regulations for managing the traffic in the streets of the Metropolis are based upon the Police and Highway Acts. Carts and waggons are not entitled to remain longer than necessary for loading and unloading, and it is for the police to see that such regulation is complied with. Covent Garden is an exception; the area being wholly inadequate for the requirements of the trade. During market hours the approaches are occupied by vehicles, but after market hours they are cleared for ordinary traffic—a special staff of police being employed.