HC Deb 17 July 1877 vol 235 c1390

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether any telegrams had been received from the Consul at Adrianople respecting the advance of the Russian Army across the Balkans; and also whether there was any truth in the rumour of the death of the Ameer of Kashgar?


We have not yet received any definite information of the death of the Ameer of Kashgar; we know nothing more than what appears in the newspapers. With regard to the other Question of the hon. Baronet, I must answer it with some reserve, as I have had no notice of it whatever, and, of course, in answering a Question of this importance, it is desirable to be cautious as to what is said. We have had information from the Consul at Adrianople, but it is only information which has been received from other sources, and is not, therefore, of much more value than the statements which have appeared in the newspapers; but it seems to be a fact that the Russian advanced guard has crossed the Balkans, and has appeared in the neighbourhood of places which are mentioned in the various telegrams-—Yeni Saghar and Jamboli. We have heard from Constantinople that the force is not of that large amount which appears in the newspapers. I do not think it would be prudent for me to state more upon the subject.