HC Deb 12 July 1877 vol 235 c1181

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether he will add to the Return, Navy (H.M.S. "Inflexible"), No. 295, 1877, the curve of stability, with the Report, dated 23rd August 1870, of H.M.S. "Captain," with the curves e, f, and g of H.M.S. "Inflexible" set out thereon to the same scales; also the Letter of the late Chief Constructor, dated 23rd August, published in the "Times," 24th August 1870, and the submission of the late Controller, dated 24th August 1870, respecting the stability of H.M.S. "Captain?"


in reply, said, that as the question raised with regard to the Inflexible was about to be referred to an Admiralty Committee, he did not propose to lay any further Papers relating to the ship on the Table. Moreover, he thought it undesirable to add to the Papers which had been presented on the subject of the Inflexible any Papers relating to the Captain.