§ MR. W. WHITWORTHasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, If he is aware that a Chief Engineer of the Royal Navy on retired pay is at present serving the Turkish Government on board of the frigate "Memdouhiye," now lying in the Victoria Dock, Black-wall; and, whether this double service is in accordance with the orders of the Admiralty regulating the observance of a strict neutrality during the war between Russia and Turkey?
§ MR. A. E. EGERTON,in reply, said, that Mr. Smylie, the officer referred to, was granted leave of absence in April last, in order that he might accept employment with a firm of eminent English engineers in Turkey. The Admiralty had only that day learned that he was at present serving in a frigate belonging to the Turkish Government. An intimation had at once been sent out to him that he must either 1044 resign his position under the Sultan, or be struck off the English Navy List.