HC Deb 06 July 1877 vol 235 c813

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether, in the event of officers on the Retired Lists of the Navy being called again into active service, the Government would entertain any applications made by them for compensation for pecuniary loss incurred by their being obliged to give up any business or other civil employment which they might be engaged in at the time; whether such officers so called upon would be appointed to serve according to their rank and seniority on the Retired Lists; and, whether, on officers being retired either compulsorily or at their own request, it was made known to them that they would be liable to be called again into active service, in the same way as information to the like effect is communicated to seamen and marine pensioners under Article 23, at page 245, of the Queen's Regulations for the Government of the Navy?


in reply, said, that in the event of officers on the Retired Lists of the Navy being called again into active service, they would not be entitled to claim compensation for giving up civil employments in which they were now engaged. The Admiralty would reserve to themselves the same power of selection which they exercised according to the Queen's Regulations, and they would be dealt with according to their respective ranks.