HC Deb 26 February 1877 vol 232 c1020

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether in framing the new arrangement for reconstructing the Regiments of the Army on a "territorial" basis, he has considered the propriety of officially recognising the presence of the Irish element in the Army, by constituting one of the seven battalions composing Her Majesty's Brigade of Guards an Irish Regiment, bearing an Irish name, having regard likewise to the circumstance that Scotch soldiers are already honoured by being represented in the Brigade by two battalions bearing a Scottish designation?


in reply, said, he had made no new arrangements upon a territorial basis. They existed when he went into office, and the Guards and Rifles were excluded from them. The Irish element, he was happy to say, was very gallantly represented in the Army, and very honourably known in some of the regiments; but he had no intention to propose to alter the designations of any of the regiments of Guards.