HC Deb 06 August 1877 vol 236 cc468-9

asked the Postmaster General, Whether his attention has been called to a statement in the " Daily News" of August 3rd, from which it appears that the honourable Member for Buckinghamshire wrote a letter to Mr. Francis, of Winslow, who had been assistant in the post office of that town for six years, informing him that, " though fully conscious of the experience and fitness" of Mr. Francis for the vacant postmastership of Winslow, he nevertheless felt " bound to give the preference " to Mr. Wilford, a resident tradesman of the town, " as he supported the present Government at the late Election;" and, whether Mr. Wilford has been appointed to the postmastership in question on these grounds?

LORD JOHN MANNERS, in reply, said, that the appointment of Mr. Wilford had been made in the usual way. Mr. Wilford's name was recommended, and the usual inquiries were made as to his qualifications, and the result of those inquiries being satisfactory the nomination was carried out. As a matter of course, he had no means at the Post Office of ascertaining the grounds on which he was recommended.