§ MR. DUNDASasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the following paragraph, which occurs in the last Report of the Charity Commissioners for England, and relates to parochial charities of the City of London:—
In these circumstances, we are compelled to recur to the suggestion made by us as long ago as the year 1866, in the Report quoted above, that these funds are in effect so far liberated by 1666 the altered circumstances of the locality in which they are applicable as to require re-appropriation to new charitable uses, a work which can be carried out only by some special extension of existing jurisdictions by the authority of Parliament;and, whether Her Majesty's Government can say whether they will propose any inquiry or legislation this Session, with a view to secure a more beneficial application of these funds?
MR. ASSHETON CROSS, in reply, said, that his attention had been called to the paragraph, and he was in communication with the Charity Commissioners as to what steps, if any, could be taken for securing the object in view.