§ MR. ALEXANDER M'ARTHURasked the Vice President of the Council, If he will be good enough to state why the scheme for the Kibworth Grammar School, adopted by the Endowed School Commissioners in April 1874, and submitted for approval and approved of by the inhabitants of Kibworth, was withdrawn by the Charity Commissioners; why another scheme has been adopted in which the number of governors is reduced from thirteen to ten, the three struck off having been representative members, one for each of the parishes interested; if a memorial against the last named scheme of the Charity Commissioners, and numerously signed by persons of all shades of religious and political opinion, was presented to the Education Department; and, if it is now the intention of the Council on Educa- 972 tion to recommend the adoption of the scheme of 1874?
§ VISCOUNT SANDONThe scheme for the Kibworth Grammar School was not withdrawn by the Charity Commissioners, but was altered by them in accordance with certain changes which were made and remitted to them by the Education Department. Various proposals to alter in a fundamental way the original scheme, to which the hon. Member alludes, were made to the Education Department. Most of them were rejected; but, after considering the arguments as to the constitution of the Governing Body, it was thought better for the school to alter the Governing Body to that which now appears on the scheme lying on the Table. A memorial against the scheme was presented to the Department signed by a considerable number of persons. But the whole scheme having been most carefully considered by the Department before coming to a decision, we are not prepared to alter the views we have taken and the arrangements which, in our judgment, appear most likely to secure the best school for the locality.