HC Deb 22 May 1876 vol 229 cc1053-4

wished to know, Whether the right hon. Gentleman could state the commencement and duration of the Whitsuntide Recess?


said, before the Question were answered, he should like to ask whether it was the intention of the right hon. Gentleman to proceed with the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill that evening, and after what hour it would not be taken? Also, whether it was his intention to proceed with the Valuation Bill and the Motion relating to the exclusion of strangers?


Sir, we do not intend to proceed with the Committee on the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill after half-past 10;but in case the Merchant Shipping Bill does not occupy much time, we propose to go on with it. Under these circumstances I do not think I need say anything about the Valuation Bill. With regard to the Notice which I have given respecting the Business of the House and the Exclusion of Strangers, I think it would be inconvenient to bring that subject forward at a late period, and I will see what arrangements can be made that will least interfere with Public Business. I will then communicate with the noble Lord and the hon. Gentleman the Member for Londonderry (Mr. Charles Lewis) who has taken an interest in the matter. With respect to the holidays, I intend to propose that the House should sit on Thursday, the 1st of June, and rise that evening, and meet again on the following Thursday.