HC Deb 23 March 1876 vol 228 c480

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If he could say when the Report of Mr. Cave, on his mission, is likely to be presented?


When I was last asked the Question on this subject, I said I had not seen the Report of Mr. Cave. Since then it has been sent to the Government, and I have had the advantage of reading it; but on reading it I felt—and that feeling was unanimously shared by my Colleagues—that it was necessary, first of all, to communicate with the Khedive on the question of the publication. That communication has been made, and the Khedive has expressed a strong objection to this Report being made public in the present unsettled condition of Egyptian finance; and, considering that much of the information contained in the Report has been supplied by the Khedive himself, and is of a confidential character, we feel bound to respect his wishes in this matter.