HC Deb 23 March 1876 vol 228 cc469-70

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to a paragraph in "The Daily News" of March 16th, headed "Painful scene in a churchyard," and purporting to be copied from "The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent," and to give an account of the burial of the infant son of William Sanderson, farm labourer, in the churchyard of Dore, near Sheffield; and, whether it is true, as stated therein, that the Reverend J. T. F. Aldred, the Vicar of Dore, informed the father of the boy that "he could not inter the boy inasmuch as he had not baptized him," although the deceased had been baptized in the Dore Primitive Methodist Chapel; and, if so, whether such refusal is not contrary to Law?


I know nothing whatever of this case, except from a letter which I have received from the Vicar; and, if the hon. Member wishes, I will read it. He writes— Sir,—In reference to Mr. Osborne Morgan's Question forwarded to me in your communication of the 21st, I am glad to be able to inform you that the statement quoted by him from The Daily News of March 16, and purporting to be copied from The Sheffield and Rotherham Independent, stating that I had informed the father of the boy that I could not inter the boy inasmuch as I had not baptized him' is untrue. The clergyman who officiated at my request in my absence on the occasion in question refused, and, in my opinion, justly, to permit a Dissenting Minister to accompany a funeral and perform a service within the limits of the churchyard. You will perceive from the enclosed printed slip that an appeal having gone to the Bishop of the diocese, an investigation into the facts of the case will be made, and, should you desire it, the result will be forwarded to you. I received that letter this morning, and it is all that I know about the case.


said, the Question had scarcely been answered. He wished to know if the clergyman had refused to inter the child with the services of the Church? He would take the liberty on a future day of repeating the Question.