HC Deb 16 March 1876 vol 228 c62

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been directed to a case in which a baker (Mr. Durant) of Greek Street, Soho, was lately convicted and fined for baking bread on a Sunday at the instance of other bakers; and, whether he will consider the propriety of placing the Act 6 and 7 Will. 4, c. 37, s. 14, under which the conviction was obtained, under the same limitation as the Act of Chas. 2, against Sunday Trading has already been placed by the Act 34 and 35 Vic. c. 87, which enacts that proceedings can only be taken by the chief officer of police, or with consent of two justices of the peace?


in reply, said, he had received no complaint with regard to the operation of this Act, and until some complaint was made to him it would be unwise and unnecessary to interfere with the existing law.