MR. SULLIVANasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the newspaper reports of the trial of Margaret M'Fadden at the recent Bucks Assizes, and to the letters and evidence of the Reverend G. A. Johnson thereupon disclosed; and, whether, in view of the circumstances of that case, he will recommend a mitigation of the sentence of nine months imprisonment which was passed upon the prisoner notwith- 69 standing the strong recommendation to mercy by the jury?
MR. ASSHETON CROSS,in reply, said, that his attention had not been called to the case until he saw the Question of the hon. Member. He had since read the report, and had thought right to communicate with the learned Judge who tried the case in order to ascertain the full facts connected with it. He could only assure the hon. Gentleman that that case, like all others of the kind, would receive the serious consideration of the Secretary of State.