HC Deb 06 March 1876 vol 227 cc1419-20

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether any further Communications have been received from Foreign Countries in reply to the Circular Despatch from the Foreign Office, dated the 3rd day of February 1875, on the subject of the Transfer of Unseaworthy ships to Foreign Flags, answers to which Circular were printed in a Return, headed Unseaworthy Ships (Transfer), and dated the 10th day of August 1875?


in reply, said, further communications had been received from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, and Nicaragua. Of these, Denmark was legislating to prevent the use of unseaworthy ships, and the Swedish and Norwegian Governments were conferring with Maritime Powers about the transfer of unseaworthy ships to her flag; and the five South American Republics had all instructed their Consular agents to carry out our suggestion, that no transfer should be made without survey. These, together with the more important communications already laid on the Table, were, on the whole, satisfactory.