HC Deb 22 June 1876 vol 230 cc244-5

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether his attention has been called to the case of the "Skerryvore," which is stated to have arrived in New York Harbour on the 18th May last in a sinking state with five feet of water in her hold, and found on being docked and examined to have a large hole bored in her bottom, and to be without any other source of leakage; and, whether he has directed, or is in a position to direct, an investigation into this matter with the view of bringing to justice the perpetrator and instigator of this crime?


The hon. Member for Derby may have seen reported in The Devonport Independent, with which he is connected, the proceedings against the master of the Skerryvore, on trial, and several times remanded, ever since the 29th of May. The case is delayed for evidence from New York, where the ship lies; but the proceedings have been going on as fast as they can against the master from the earliest moment that they could have been taken.