§ MR. COOPEasked the Secretary of State for War, When Her Majesty's Government intend to relieve the ratepayers of the county of Middlesex from the burden of maintaining seven Militia storehouses, now occupied by the Crown for nearly four years, either by obtaining possession of them under "The Military Forces Localization Act, 1872," or giving them up with certificates that they are not required, under "The Militia Pay and Storehouses Act, 1873?"
MR. GATHORNE HARDYA contract has been entered into for building a storehouse, with a view to setting free those at Turnham Green, Uxbridge, and Hounslow, and it is hoped they can be given up in 1878. An offer has been made to the county to rent the premises at Bethnal Green and Dalston. There are reasons againt purchasing the buildings at Barnet and Hampstead; but the War Office will be prepared to treat with the county for their hire.