§ (24.) £333,210, to complete the sum for Superannuation and Retired Allowances.
§ (25.) £28,900, to complete the sum for the Merchant Seamen's Fund, Pensions, &c.
§ (26.) £27,000, to complete the sum for the Relief of Distressed British Seamen Abroad.
§ In reply to Sir H. DRUMMOND WOLFF,
§ MR. W. H. SMITHsaid, that it was not found expedient to give the Legations abroad a general power to send home distressed British subjects. They were not always the most deserving persons, and such a power might lead to considerable and embarrassing charges. Occasions, however, did arise when it was right to undertake such duties.
§ Vote agreed to.
1661§ (27.) £3,738, to complete the sum for Miscellaneous Charitable Allowances, &c. Great Britain.