§ MR. PLIMSOLLasked the President of the Board of Trade, If it is true that the order given last year to the Consul at Alexandria to expend a sum not exceeding two pounds per vessel, in seeing that sufficient shifting boards were used in British ships loading grain cargoes, has been withdrawn; and, if so, for what reason; and, if the same order has been withdrawn from any other port in the Black Sea or the Baltic?
§ SIR CHARLES ADDERLEYThe order given to the Consul at Alexandria was withdrawn for a short time but renewed. The order has been withdrawn from Kertch and Taganrog on the Black Sea, because of the impracticability of any constant or general system of inspecting ships lading grain from thence, and from St. Petersburg, Memel, and Stettin, 1520 on the Baltic, because the grain export to England is very inconsiderable from those ports.