HC Deb 20 July 1876 vol 230 cc1623-4

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he is satisfied with the accommodation provided for the reception of deputations at the Home Office; and, whether it is contemplated to make further provision for that purpose? He asked the Question because, having gone to the Home Office with a large and important deputation, they found only a room of very moderate size in which they could be received, not very well lighted, and which could seat at most only about a dozen persons.


I have no hesitation in at once answering the hon. Gentleman's Question by say- ing in the most distinct terms that I am not satisfied with the accommodation referred to for the reception of deputations at the Home Office; nor do I think that the deputations which come there can be called upon to be satisfied with such accommodation. At the same time, it is not often that they come in such numbers as that on the occasion to which the hon. Member has referred. The only proposition yet made by the Department which has charge of public buildings is to change the room in which deputations are received from the waiting-room to the Library. This, however, I think, would be like jumping from the frying-pan into the fire. I hope, however, that some improvement will be made to remove what I think is a very scandalous state of things.