§ Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into the working of the existing machinery of Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, with power to suggest amendments in the same."—(Sir Charles W. Dilke.)
§ And, on March 8, Committee nominated as follows:—Mr. FORSTER, Sir JOHN HOLKER, Mr. SAMPSON LLOYD, Mr. VILLIERS, Mr. GIBSON, Sir HENRY JAMES, Mr. FLOYER, Mr. LEATHAM, Lord FRANCIS HERVEY, Mr. JOHN HOLMS, Mr. CHRISTOPHER BECKETT DENISON, Mr. SHEIL, Mr. STEWART, Captain NOLAN, Mr. GORST, Mr. EUSTACE SMITH, Mr. R IDLEY, Mr. BRUEN, and Sir CHARLES DILKE:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to he the quorum.