§ MR. WHITBREADasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether Her Majesty's Government will be prepared to lay upon the Table Papers relating to the Fugitive Slave Circulars beyond those referred to in the Return yesterday, especially any correspondence and despatches which might throw any light upon the reception and treatment of fugitive slaves? He also begged to remind the hon. Member that the First Circular was not included among the Papers referred to.
§ MR. BOURKE, in reply, said, that all Papers relating to the subject had been in course of preparation for some time, with the view of their being placed before the Royal Commission. Since the Notice of the Question of the hon. Gentleman had been given, orders had been issued by the Department that the Papers should be prepared as early as possible, in order that they might be placed in the hands of hon. Members before the Motion of the hon. Gentleman came on for discussion. Of course, the First Circular would be printed with the other Papers.