HC Deb 15 August 1876 vol 231 c1230

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether the Local Government Board for Ireland have taken any steps to compel the Public Health Committee of the Corporation of Dublin to co-operate with the Sanitary Board of the North Dublin Union for the purpose of carrying out the much-needed sewerage of Drumandra, already strongly recommended by the Local Government Board to the Sanitary Committee of the North Dublin Union?


I was not aware that this Question would be asked until I saw it on the Notice Paper this morning, and consequently I am not in a position to give that definite information in reply to it without which any answer might be only misleading. But I should hope that the sanitary authority of the City of Dublin would be disposed without compulsion on the part of the Local Government Board to afford to their neighbours any aid in such a matter as this which the law may require, so far as it is possible for them to do so.