HC Deb 10 August 1876 vol 231 c970

asked the Secretary of State for War, If the new Warrant relating to Militia Surgeons will not in some cases reduce the net income of these officers by over £100 a-year; and, whether, in such cases, he will allow existing Surgeons to retain their present appointments with the allowances which were in force when they accepted these appointments; or, failing this, will he grant them an adequate compensation?


, in reply, said, that the income of Militia medical officers derived from Army Votes depended upon so many considerations that it was impossible to give an answer to the Question put by the hon. and gallant Member whether the new Warrant would not in some cases reduce the net income of these officers by over £100 a-year. It depended upon the establishment of the regiment, upon the number of recruits, whether the regiment went out for training, and if so, for a long or short period. For instance, the Irish Militia did not train for several years, and therefore the emoluments of the surgeons would be very small indeed. He had already stated that it was not his intention to enter upon the consideration of this question until after the 31st December, because by that time he should know what Militia surgeons intended to accept the new terms.