HC Deb 07 August 1876 vol 231 c702

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, If he will explain to the House why the Bill passed by the House of Assembly in Barbadoes, for the trial of the prisoners before the Chief Justice and any two or more Commissioners, has not been carried through the other branches of the Legislature, and brought into effect?


A Bill, Sir, passed the House of Assembly in Barbadoes constituting a Special Commission for the trial of persons charged with complicity in the recent disturbances in that island. The reason why it has not passed into law is that a difference of opinion arose between the Assembly on the one hand and the Governor and Council on the other as to the personal composition of the Commission. A suggestion has, however, been made by the Secretary of State which there is reason to believe will meet the views of the Assembly and enable the trials to be held without further delay.