HC Deb 03 August 1876 vol 231 c418

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he has any objection to produce the Certificate regarding the soldierly and satisfactory condition of Captain Roberts's Company, 94th Regiment, which Captain Mackinlay, at the recent Court Martial in Belfast on Captain Roberts, admitted having written and signed when he took over that Company on the occasion of Captain Roberts being removed from the command by Colonel Lord John Taylour; and, whether it is not the fact that, at the same Court Martial, Captain Mackinlay deposed on oath that Captain Roberts's Company, at the time of his, Captain Mackinlay, being appointed to the command thereof, was in a most unsatisfactory and bad condition?


The certificate regarding the company of the 94th Regiment referred to is connected purely with the interior economy of a regiment, and does not refer to the order of the company as regards drill and appearance or cleanliness of the men, but to the condition of the arms and accoutrements, accounts, &c. The document is as follows:— ''I certify that I have received over the arms and accoutrements, great coats and necessaries, together with the accounts of Letter H Company, from Captain F. Roberts. I am perfectly satisfied with the same and become responsible for company from this date. J. MACKINLAY, Lieutenant 94th Regiment. "John W. TAYLOUR." Should it appear to His Royal Highness the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief that there is any discrepancy between Captain Mackinlay's certificate and his evidence on oath, the matter will be dealt with by the military authorities as a question of discipline.