HC Deb 03 April 1876 vol 228 c1099

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether the present state of the Licensing Law does prevent members of Burial Clubs, who meet on Sundays at their clubhouse for burial purposes, from having refreshment, if such clubhouse is a public house, and the time of such refreshment is during the hours of restriction?


, in reply, said, the point of the question was, whether the members of a burial club were entitled to use a public-house, which they were in the habit of frequenting, for the meetings of their clubs, as though it were their own private house. He believed that, in the present state of the law, if they went to a public-house, they would then be in precisely the same position as other persons, and the mere fact of their being in the habit of frequenting the public-house did not take them out of the purview of the Act.