HC Deb 25 May 1875 vol 224 cc915-6

In reference to the Motion of the hon. Member for Swansea (Mr. Dillwyn), which stands next upon the Paper, I have to state, for the information of the House, that by the Rules of the House it is irregular to propose any Motion which anticipates discussion of a matter already appointed for consideration by the House. Those Rules may apply with some severity to the hon. Member for Swansea, because he was the first Member of the House during the present Session to propose any Motion with reference to the exclusion of Strangers; but the circumstances of the case are such as to preclude the hon. Member from making a Motion, inasmuch as the Motion of which the hon. Member has given Notice is substantially the same as one of the Motions submitted to the House by the noble Lord the Member for Radnor (the Marquess of Hartington), and which the House has appointed to take into consideration on Monday next. On the 4th May the noble Lord the Member for Radnor, having given Notice of three Resolutions, proceeded to submit them to the House. He argued in support of all those Resolutions, and was prepared to submit them successively to the House; but when the first Resolution was proposed a debate arose, and was adjourned. That debate was adjourned from time to time, and now stands for Monday next. When that debate comes on the first Resolution will be proposed in due course, and when that has been disposed of the other two Resolutions of the noble Lord will be put from the Chair and disposed of, forming part of the same Order of the Day. Thus if the Motion of the hon. Member for Swansea were now to be put to the House the debate on Monday next must necessarily be anticipated, and that inconvenience would arise which it is the object of the House to prevent.


Perhaps I may be allowed to thank you, Sir, for so lucid an explanation of the position in which the matter now stands, and to say that I of course, and unhesitatingly, bow to your decision. Had the Rules of the House allowed me to bring on my Resolution I should certainly have done so; because I believe it relates to a matter which might have been, and ought to have been, disposed of some time ago, and which should be disposed of as soon as possible, as we do not know how soon another disturbance may arise similar to those which we have experienced. I can only express my regret that the Rules of the House do not allow me to proceed with the matter.