MR. JOSEPH COWENasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If he has had his attention directed to the opening of the Zoological Gardens, the Botanic Gardens, the Horticultural Gardens, and other places of public resort on Sundays; and, whether such opening is contrary to the provisions of the Act 21 Geo. 3, under which the Brighton Aquarium has recently been closed; and, if so, whether he will take the necessary steps to secure uniform compliance with the Law?
MR. ASSHETON CROSS, in reply, said, that his attention had not been specially directed to the opening of the places of resort mentioned in the Question of the hon. Member. He did not quite know what other places of public resort the hon. Member referred to; but if he alluded to Kensington Gardens, 790 his (Mr. Cross's) attention had been called to the great assemblage who enjoyed themselves there yesterday, and he was exceedingly glad to see them there. As to the latter part of the Question, it was impossible for him to state what might be the opinion of the Court of Queen's Bench, or any other Court, as to the state of facts with which he was not thoroughly informed. But, as far as he could obtain any information on the matter, he had no reason to believe that the judgment in the case of the Brighton Aquarium would be the same as in that of the Zoological, the Botanic, or the Horticultural Gardens, because he was advised that they stood on a different footing. Therefore, he had no intention whatever to interfere in the matter.