HC Deb 10 May 1875 vol 224 c391

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, If he has been informed that the attorneys practising as advocates in Belfast have lately held a meeting, and forwarded a Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant describing the present stipendiary system in that town as intolerable, and praying for the immediate appointment of two barristers as stipendiary magistrates; and, whether he is aware that for upwards of forty years no barrister or attorney has acted as stipendiary magistrate in Belfast?


Sir, I have no information that will enable me to reply to the first part of the hon. Member's Question. With regard to its second part, a Memorial has been forwarded to the Lord Lieutenant complaining of the way in which petty sessions business is transacted at Belfast, and asking for the appointment of a barrister as stipendiary magistrate. Inquiry is being made into the facts alleged in that Memorial; but I am bound to say I have heard no other complaints as to the manner in which business is done by the two stipendiary magistrates who act at Belfast.