HC Deb 22 March 1875 vol 223 cc219-20

said, that under the circumstances, he would postpone his Motion as to the state of England.


said, he was also willing to hold back his Motion for the convenience of the House, but he wished for some assurance from the Government that he should have an opportunity to proceed with it at some future time.


I must express on the part of the Government their great obligation to the hon. Member for Mid Lincolnshire for his courteous conduct. I look on his Motion as one of national importance, and I shall feel it my duty, if possible—though I cannot bind myself—in the course of the Session to take care to have that question discussed. As to the hon. Member for Louth (Mr. Sullivan), I can only say at present that those who oblige are often obliged, and I should be very sorry to impede the interesting subject that he has announced. I wish further to say that it is our intention, with the sanction of the House, to come to a division on our measure to-morrow, and it will, therefore, be necessary to move that the debate should take precedence of the Orders of the Day. I move that.

Motion agreed to.