§ SIR EARDLEY WILMOTasked the First Lord of the Treasury, What are the intentions of Her Majesty's Government with reference to the Judicature Act of 1873?
§ MR. DISRAELII might, Sir, take a Parliamentary objection, I think, to the Question of the hon. Baronet. It is not, generally speaking, conducive to the convenience of the House that the policy of the Government should be made known to the Houses of Parliament by means of a forced Answer to an abrupt loading Question put by a private Member. If the Question is treated with reserve, it leads naturally to misconception; and if, on the contrary, it is treated with that frankness, which I, for one, wish always to extend to the House, the Minister is placed in a false position by apparently according to an individual, of his own motion, that which he would prefer, as a matter of courtesy, to communicate to the House in a formal and more convenient manner. But after these remarks—which I think I am justified in making in the present instance—and looking to the Question of the hon. Baronet, I will inform the House that after the holidays the Lord Chancellor, in the House of Lords, will state the course which Her Majesty's Government intend to take with regard to the Judicature Act of 1873.