HC Deb 12 March 1875 vol 222 c1693

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the case of George Calvert, Temperance Hotel, Gainsborough, who was recently lined £2 and costs for keeping his house open for the sale of coffee after public-houses were closed; and, whether, if such a fine be legal, any alteration will be proposed in the Law?


, in reply, said, his attention had been called to the case referred to. The house was one which, if it had been in London, under the old. Early Closing Act of 1864, would have been compelled to close at 1 o'clock, and it therefore now came under the general law of the country in reference to houses in which drink might be consumed, though not sold. He had no present intention to alter the law, which had on the whole worked beneficially.