§ MR. WHEELHOUSEasked the Secretary to the Treasury, If he can and will make arrangements to have the Public Free Library at Leeds included in the list, if any, of institutions to which the following, or any similar works, are sent gratuitously; the Books and Papers periodically issued by or in connection with the Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland; Commercial Reports from Secretaries of Embassies Abroad; Reports and Tables issued by the Board of Trade; the Census Returns for 1871; and, any Blue Books or Minutes of Evidence issued by Parliament, of which there may be spare copies, otherwise Useless?
§ MR. W. H. SMITH, in reply, said, there were no free libraries or other institutions to which Parliamentary publications were forwarded gratuitously, nor was he prepared to recommend the adoption of such a system. Those documents were published at a price which little more than covered the cost of the paper on which they were printed, and it was perfectly open to any gentleman who took an interest in institutions similar to the Free Library at Leeds, referred to by the hon. Member for the borough, to select and forward to them such Parliamentary Papers as he thought they needed.