HC Deb 11 June 1875 vol 224 cc1712-4

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, If his attention has been directed to the Registrar General's Reports of the deaths from small-pox in Ireland during the quarter ending the last day of June 1874, which amounted in the aggregate to 123, chiefly, if not wholly, amongst those who have not been vaccinated; whether it is true that of this number 123, no less than 109 occurred in the province of Ulster alone, where this disease is not considered epidemic, as in many instances it was imported from Scotland by the arrival of paupers from that country while labouring under this malady; and, if it is his intention to bring forward a measure to protect sick Irish paupers, and prevent the spread of contagious diseases, by preventing Poor Law Guardians on this side of the Channel from deporting to Ireland Irish paupers who may be forced in consequence of ill-health to seek assistance in the workhouse?


I wish to put a supplementary Question to the right hon. Baronet, arising out of the Question whether he knows that the disease had been caused by the importation of paupers from Scotland? In the Question put by the hon. Member he makes this assertion—"In many instances it was imported from Scotland by the arrival of paupers from that country while labouring under this malady." Then, in the next paragraph, he goes on to ask the right hon. Baronet, if he will bring in a Bill to prevent diseased paupers from being so sent to Ireland. With the permission of the House, I would ask the right hon. Baronet, Whether he knows that the disease has been so propagated in Ireland by the sending over of paupers from Scotland; and, if he knows any instance, whether he will give the names of the Poor Law Guardians by whom they were sent over, so that an investigation may be made in Scotland into the facts of the case?


As I understand the Question of the hon. Member for Louth, it does not contain an assertion, but is a Question to me whether a certain statement is true. My attention has been directed to the Report of the Registrar General on this subject, and I believe the figures quoted in the first part of the Question are correct. I cannot, however, say positively that the deaths occurred chiefly, if not wholly, among those who had not been vaccinated. I believe of the 123 deaths, 109 occurred in the province of Ulster, where the disease is not considered epidemic, and that in many instances the disease has been imported from Scotland; but I have no knowledge whatever, and I have been unable to obtain information whether, in regard to those cases imported from Scotland, the persons importing the disease were paupers or not. It is possible they may have been; but the fact has not been brought to my knowledge, and I can give the hon. Gentleman no information on that point. With regard to the last paragraph of the Question, I may say that the Irish Government have no control over Poor Law Guardians on this side of the Channel, and I do not think it part of my duty, as the Representative of the Irish Government, to introduce any measure dealing with them.

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