HC Deb 07 June 1875 vol 224 c1461

asked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether he can give any positive promise when the improvements in the traffic at Hyde Park Corner, according to the model now for some time exhibited before Parliament, will be commenced; and, whether the First Commissioner finds any serious difficulties in any other department of the Government, in the way of carrying out an improvement which becomes every day more and more a public necessity?


Sir, from the tenour of the noble Lord's Question, I hope I may consider that he approves the scheme for relieving the traffic at Hyde Park Corner, which is pointed out in the model now exhibiting in the Conference Room; and I am happy to assure the noble Lord that the drawings are all ready, and that as soon as the scheme has been approved by the House of Commons the road will be commenced at once. With regard to the second part of the Question, I can assure the noble Lord that it is quite true that I met with serious difficulty. The difficulty I have met with, however, was not in the direction he appears to suppose, but in finding the proper gradients for a road which shall effectually relieve the present block in Piccadilly.