HC Deb 23 July 1875 vol 225 c1909

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, If his attention has been drawn to the recommendation contained in the Report of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries (presented on the 3rd July) that a cutter or steamboat should be attached to their department to enable its heads to enforce the present Fishery Laws, and to further develop the fisheries; and, if he intends to give effect to this recommendation?


, in reply, said, his attention had been called to the recommendation referred to. The same subject was brought under his notice last summer, and he made inquiries into it then. It appeared that assistance was invariably given by the Admiralty on the requisition of the Inspectors of Irish Fisheries whenever they required the assistance of a gunboat for the prosecution of any inquiry connected with the fisheries. But, considering all the circumstances, it did not appear to him that any necessity had been shown for the attendance of a gunboat, except in special circumstances. In the present Report the Inspectors had given fresh and different reasons why permanent assistance should be given. He would make further inquiries into the matter, and if it appeared necessary to do so, he would communicate with the First Lord of the Admiralty on the subject.