HC Deb 23 July 1875 vol 225 c1906

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he is now prepared to state the facts of the case of Gunner Charlton, now lying at Topsham Barracks, Exeter, with mortified feet, and late a prisoner at Millbank; and, if he will explain the reasons of the non-report of this ease to the War Office, and the intentions of the Department as to this disabled soldier of sixteen years' service?


, in reply, said, he was sorry there had been a delay in getting the Medical Report on this matter. He stated the facts of the case on a former occasion, and the hon. Gentleman would remember that he then said he would get a full Medical Report. That had not yet been put into his hands; but he understood it would be in a day or two, or, at all events, in a very short time. Enough, however, was known to show that the man was practically helpless and had been thoroughly disabled, from whatever cause. Without entering into the merits of the case, he would recommend that something should be done for the man after leaving the hospital.