HC Deb 22 July 1875 vol 225 c1818

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether his attention has been drawn to the option granted in Canada to the payers of School Rates of selecting as to the application of their payments either to Board or to Voluntary Schools; and, whether he is prepared to take steps to assimilate the practice here, and to allow the same privilege to ratepayers as is enjoyed by those in Canada?


Sir, my attention, I need hardly assure my hon. Friend the Member for Middlesex, has been called to the manner in which schools are supported in Canada. The point, however, to which his Question refers is so large and important a one that I trust my hon. Friend will excuse me if I say that I do not think it advisable for me to enter upon it in those brief terms in which it is necessary for the convenience of the House that replies to Questions should be given.


While I thank my noble Friend for his courtesy, I beg to give Notice that, early next Session, I will take an opportunity of bringing the question before the House.