§ MR. HERMONasked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether his attention has been called to the destruction of food in the shape of fish, the pollution of water, and the injury to the health of the people, owing to the impurities carried into the Kibble from the Calder and Darwen; and, what steps he intends to take in the matter?
§ MR. SCLATER-BOOTH, in reply, said, he had seen an account of what he must call a deplorable destruction of salmon in the Ribble, in consequence of cinders, sawdust, and other refuse which had been thrown into the river. He was not aware of what remedy the owner of the fishery might have against the parties who had caused that destruction; but the part he had taken in the matter was simply this—He had inserted in the Pollution of Rivers Bill a clause which would render the throwing into rivers such pollution an offence under that Bill, and if it pleased the House to pass it, such an evil would be provided against in the future.