HC Deb 22 July 1875 vol 225 cc1812-3

asked the Post-master General, Whether it be the fact that a special telegraph wire was carried to the racecourse at the recent Newcastle meeting, but that this was not done for the convenience of the general public, but only for those few who chose to pay a high admission fee to get into the betting ring; and, whether he will in future in granting such facilities make it a rule of the service to stipulate that the office shall be so placed as to be available to the general public attending the meeting, so that a great public department may not be open to the charge of giving special encouragement to betting?


, in reply, said, that at the recent Newcastle meeting the office used was that in which the old telegraph companies formerly transacted business at the Grand Stand. The office was the property of the Grand Stand Company, and it was lent to the Department free. He believed it to be an inconvenient office, and not readily accessible to the outside public, although he was informed that upon the occasion in question one message, if not more, was handed in from the outside. Communication had from time to time taken place with the Grand Stand Company, with the view of improving the accommodation, and he hoped that before the next race meeting took place such improvement would be effected. With regard to the second part of the Question, the Department were of opinion that in the Grand Stand offices proper accommodation should be provided for the general public, and for the future it had no intention of occupying any new office which was not readily accessible to the general public.