HC Deb 12 July 1875 vol 225 c1328

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether he can enable the Order of the Day for the Committee on the Metropolis Gas Companies Bill to come on this evening at such an hour as will enable the House to entertain the question?


I fear, Sir, it is quite out of my power to arrange that this Bill should be discussed to-night, but I am happy to tell my hon. and gallant Friend that next Session, so far as it lies in our power to do so, we will place him and his Friends in the same position as they now occupy. [Laughter.] I see nothing amusing in this announcement. It is one extremely beneficial to my hon. and gallant Friend, because it will not be necessary for him to refer the Bill again to a Select Committee, and he will also enjoy other advantages. That is the intention of the Government. They cannot assist my hon. and gallant Friend in advancing his measure at present. But next Session, so far as the Government are concerned, he and his Friends will be put in the position they now occupy, and therefore there will be a prospect of their carrying out the measure.


thanked the right hon. Gentleman for the favourable Answer he had given.