§ SIR ARTHUR GUINNESSasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce a Bill this Session to amend the Dublin Main Drainage Act of 1871, for the purpose set forth in Memorial of the Dublin Corporation to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, founded on their resolution of 22nd January, viz.:
That application be made to the Government for a loan not exceeding £500,000, to carry out the main drainage works, upon the following terms and conditions as to interest and repayment, viz.:—The interest payable to he three per cent. per annum upon the net principal sum remaining due each year; the loan to he repaid (in seventy-three and a-half years) by the annual instalments of £6,000 referred to by His Grace the Lord Lieutenant, which shall be granted year by year to the Corporation by Her Majesty's Treasury, as well as by a proportion of the sum to be allocated by the Government in lieu of the municipal rates upon public buildings in the borough of Dublin, and estimated at £ 1,000 per annum; the Government accordingly to introduce and effect the necessary amendment of the Dublin Main Drainage Act by a Public Bill in the next Session of Parliament, without cost to the corporation?
§ SIR MICHAEL HICKS-BEACH, in reply, said, the Dublin Corporation appeared to be labouring under a remarkable misapprehension of the intentions of the Government and of the reply given by the Lord Lieutenant to a deputation of the citizens of Dublin who waited on him in reference to the drain-ago scheme. The scheme suggested for the repayment of a Government loan of £500,000 was one which emanated entirely from the Dublin Corporation themselves. The Government had no intention of introducing a Bill to carry it into effect. They had still under consideration certain proposals of the Corporation on the general question; but the only definite undertaking which he had yet been authorized to give was that which he stated to the House last Session—namely, that the Government were prepared to extend the borrowing powers of the Corporation for main drainage purposes from the present limit of £350,000 to £500,000.
§ MR. HANKEYwished to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, with reference to the Question of the hon. Baronet, Whether there is any practical difference between an advance of Public 847 Money, the capital and interest of which is to be repaid out of Imperial Revenue, and an absolute Grant of Money for like purposes?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERI can see none myself; but my right hon. Friend the Chief Secretary for Ireland is very ingenious, and if he proposes a measure on the subject I dare say he may be able to point out some such difference.