HC Deb 11 August 1875 vol 226 c855

asked Mr. Attorney General, Whether, under the New Judicature Act, the existence of the degree of Serjeant-at-Law will serve any public purpose; and, whether the Government have considered to whom, in the event of the Serjeants Inn claiming to be maintained, the title and property belong?


Sir, in answer to the hon. Baronet, I have to state that, by the Judicature Act of 1873, it is provided that it shall not be necessary for a Judge of the Supreme Court to possess the qualification of being a Serjeant-at-Law, and that the new Judicature Act which has just passed in no way affects the position of a Serjeant-at-Law. Under these circumstances, the Question "whether the existence of the degree of Serjeant-at-Law will serve any public purpose "is one upon which the hon. Baronet is quite as qualified to form an opinion as I am. With reference to the second part of his Question, I can only state that, so far as I am aware, the Government have not considered "to whom, in the event of Serjeants Inn claiming to be maintained, the title and property belong."