HC Deb 13 April 1875 vol 223 cc783-4

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, in view of the "Replies" and "Further Replies" to the Letter from the Treasury to Lord Granville, dated January 1874, asking for information as to the system of taxing Beer or Malt in Foreign Countries, comprising America, France, Prussia, Russia, Austria and Hungary, Denmark, Belgium, Saxony, Wurtemberg, Darmstadt, the Netherlands, Bavaria, Sweden and Norway, Italy and Switzerland, he has taken them into consideration; and, whether, seeing that in nearly all those Countries (except Belgium) Beer brewed for domestic agricultural use is untaxed, and Malt may be freely used for the purpose of feeding Cattle without tax, he is prepared to adopt any measures for placing the British agriculturist on a footing of equality with his Foreign rivals (who compete with him in our markets) in the production of corn, meat, and dairy produce?


, in reply, said, the subject had engaged his attention, and he had had communication with the Inland Revenue authorities, but had not been able to see his way to any arrangements by which any further facilities for the production of malt for feeding purposes could be given than were given at present, unless the Government were to change the whole system upon which the malt and beer duties were collected, and any such alterations must cause great loss to the Revenue.