HC Deb 12 April 1875 vol 223 c715

brought up a Special Report from the Committee on Public Petitions as follows:— Your Committee having had before them a Petition from Prittlewell and neighbourhood, presented to the House on the 6th day of this instant April, relating to the Trial at Bar, in the Court of Queen's Bench, on the Indictment of The Queen versus Castro, for Perjury, think it proper that the said Petition should be brought to the notice of the House, as containing offensive imputations upon the Lord Chief Justice and two of the Judges of the said Court, and reflecting, in an unbecoming manner, upon the Speaker, and the proceedings of the House. The House, while respecting the constitutional rights of Petitioners, has guarded against the abuse of those rights; and it will be for the House to judge, in the present case, whether the Petition be one, which, according to the Rules and practice of the House, can properly be entertained.


moved that the Special Report should be taken into consideration on Thursday next, at half-an-hour after Four of the clock.