HC Deb 21 May 1874 vol 219 cc621-2

asked the President of the Local Government Board, What amount of money has been expended on the Water and Drainage Works of the Epping Special Drainage District, and what arrangements have been made, or are intended to be made, in respect to its repayment; whether the President is aware of the fact that more than two-thirds of the houses in the said district are entirely devoid of a water supply and drainage, and that the mortality in the district last year was not less than thirty per thousand; and, whether any steps are being taken towards the completion of the works; and, if not, whether it is the intention of the Local Government Board to cause the Rural Sanitary Authority of Epping to do its duty in the matter?


Sir, the sum spent on the Epping Water and Drainage Works amounts to about £11,500. I am aware that the Drainage and Water Supply of the district are defective, and that the rate of mortality is very high. With regard to the Question what steps are proposed to be taken with a view to the completion of the works, and to secure the repayment of the money, I received only yesterday a deputation from Epping, and would prefer to defer giving an answer till after Whitsuntide.