HC Deb 07 May 1874 vol 218 cc1838-9

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether any steps have been taken to re- quire passenger ships to carry a number of boats, rafts, or other appliances for saving life, sufficient for the persons carried on board each ship?


Sir, the question of compelling large passenger ships with numerous passengers to carry boats sufficient for all the persons on board has been frequently considered by the Emigration Commissioners and by the Board of Trade. But it is impossible; because there is not room for such boats, and because by encumbering the decks they would render the safe working of the ship impracticable. Further, even the boats now required are seldom found to be practically available in those cases of wreck in which they are most required. No rafts or other appliances for saving life have yet been discovered which would be practically available; and attempted contrivances might lead to more lives being lost by needlessly leaving a ship, than to any increase of lives being saved in real emergencies.