HC Deb 26 March 1874 vol 218 c338

asked the President of the Board of Trade, If he will lay upon the Table of the House, a Copy of the opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown, to the effect that the Board of Trade Commissioners, in settling the price of Gas to be paid by the public, are precluded from inquiring into the mode in which the Gas Companies have raised or expended their capital?


There is no such Opinion of the Law Officers as the Question implies. There is an Opinion given by Sir John Karslake, Sir Richard Bagallay, and Mr. Round, not as Law Officers, but as counsel, on a question referred to them as to the powers of the Commissioners appointed by the Board of Trade, on the application of the Imperial (Jas Company in 1869, to revise the scale of illuminating powers. I am about to present Papers giving the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Commissioners for 1873 and 1874, as soon as they are concluded, which will include the Opinion referred to.