HC Deb 09 March 1874 vol 218 c19

I rise, Sir, to move that this House, at its rising, do adjourn till Thursday next at three o'clock. I think it is due to hon. Members that I should state the cause for the adjournment which I now propose. In the case of several Members of the Government who have accepted offices under the Crown, the 21 days necessary to intervene under the Act have not elapsed since they were last elected. I think that hon. Members on both sides of the House will see the desirability that the election of the responsible Ministers of the Crown should take place as soon as possible. And it is for that reason that I ask the House to adjourn to Thursday next. I may state also that in all probability the House will meet for the transaction of Public Business on Thursday week next (the 19th inst.)

Motion agreed to.

House at rising to adjourn till Thursday at Three of the clock.

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